Social awareness

We produced this video installation for the Anacortes Arts Festival in support of the 'Say Their Names' project, designed to draw attention to the victims of mass-shootings.
The exhibit's centerpiece was a 10'-high cairn of handmade bricks - each with the name of a victim of a mass shooting. Artists included Natalie Niblack, Kathleen Falkner, Lanny Bergner, Susan Parke, Sue Roberts, Peregrine O'Gormley , Sherry Chavers, Anne Reid, Marguarite Goff, Treva King, Tracy Powell, Ruth Laughlin, Heidi Fish, Eric Johnson, and Rita James.
Whatever You Say - I am!
Being homeless on the streets of Cape Town isn't a choice. The world of abuse, violence, drugs and alienation is still better than the homes they left behind, because at least they have each other...
I spent two weeks with a group of homeless children living on the streets of Cape Town. It was a harrowing and eye-opening experience. In the years that followed, two street children would marry - I was the best man, and I would drive through town to carry the bodies of two dead children for burial, and go undercover to track down the murderer of another child.

KAICIID is an intergovernmental organization with a mandate to promote the use of dialogue globally to prevent and resolve conflict, and to enhance understanding and cooperation. Here is a photo-montage I produced from pictures taken for KAICIID. The idea was to reflect the organization's purpose and values - and the infinite possibilities of meaningful dialogue.

On the road with His Holiness
In 2004 the Dalai Lama made his last visit to South Africa, meeting with a wide range of politicians, spiritual leaders and positive change makers. This is a brief visual overview of the visit.
Unfortunately, South Africa has bowed to pressure from China and refused to issue the Dalai Lama a visa for any future visits. We were approached by China to call off the 2004 visit, making us aware of how big an issue this is for China.
No parent should have to bury their child. And no parent should face the challenges of bearing an addicted child on their own. Parents of addicted children share their stories, in support of parents in
similar situations.
Hearts of Light
In memory of Jesse